We did it! Celebrating Team Prime doing #5kMay

We did it! Celebrating Team Prime doing #5kMay

Student Minds offers expert information, support and advice to help students through University. Throughout May, Team Prime took part in their #5kMay challenge as part of a national campaign to fundraise for charities, you can read more about it here.


Our team tackled the rain, puncture bicycle tyre, offroading a pushchair with twins, and blisters! We also had the opportunity to take in the spectacular coastline Swansea has to offer, see the countryside on a stunning horse ride, and loved taking on the challenge in our own gym at Trinity View, Coventry – an excellent 5k in progress video stream by our Customer Service Advisor, Hayley, was certainly a highlight.

We have donated to Student Minds for each team member who took part. It’s been a perfect opportunity to get active and give back to a cause close to our hearts.

Thank you to everyone for taking part, and for all the incredible work Student Minds does, especially though their Student Space platform. Student Space is run by Student Minds, the UK’s student mental health charity. They empower students and members of the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.

Student Space is here to make it easier for you to find the support that you need, including during the coronavirus pandemic. However you’re feeling, help and guidance is available. There are three ways that Student Space is here to help during the pandemic:

  • Access to dedicated support services for students
  • Information and advice to help you through the challenges of coronavirus
  • Helping you find what support is available at your university


The support provided by Student Space is safe, confidential and free. It has been developed collaboratively with services, higher education professionals, researchers and students to complement the existing services available to students.

You can access their support on their website here.


Thanks for reading!