28 Oct Affordable Halloween Costume Ideas
Affordable Halloween Costume Ideas
Gone are the days of splashing out fortunes for your scary attires, we’ve created this spooktacular list of affordable Halloween costume ideas.
Why didn’t the Zombie get the job? They wanted someone more lively
If you fancy being the best dressed from the graveyard and showing off your best thriller moves this Halloween, then the zombie is for you. An easy and timeless classic to complete, you can wear jeans, buy a cheap top or use one you don’t mind ruining, cut out little rips and holes. If you’re willing to go the extra mile, take a trip to your local park and rub it in the ground a bit to really create the ‘I’ve been buried in a graveyard for years’ look. Use some white and red face paint to create your desired zombie style. Better yet why not buy a range of different colour face paints with your mates and split the costs. A brilliant bonus to dressing as a zombie is you can pretty much zombie-fy any costume you may already have with face paints. Got a sports kit? Become a zombie footballer.
What do ghosts use to wash their hair? Sham-boo
If you’ve ran out of time and need a quick fix Halloween costume or if you’re going for a minimal outfit this year, the ghost is for you. Buy a cheap sheet from a shop. These next tips are crucial for both the costume and your safety: cut out two holes for your eyes to see through and another more horizontal shape for your mouth, allowing you to breath. All that’s left to do is put it over you and hey presto you’re a ghost!
How do Skeletons talk to each other? Through the Telebone
There are loads of skeleton t shirts, jumpers, dresses and all in ones available online and in shops. If you know any arty mates or are feeling creative yourself, then the skeleton costume is a great way to try out some cool face paint. We’ve all seen our social media pages jam packed with insanely good Halloween make up, so why not give it a go yourself this year with hundreds of tutorials online.
What do devils eat for breakfast? Devilled eggs
If you’re feeling darish this Halloween then why not go as a devil? You can’t go wrong with this costume, as long as you’re dressed in red, wearing horns and perhaps even a devil fork.
What kind of music do mummies like the most? Wrap music
Dressing as a mummy will likely take the most time out of all the outfits and you’re definitely going to need a friend on hand to help with this one. Make sure you’re wearing white clothes, then depending on your budget, wrap yourself in toilet roll or bandages. Try to tuck in and tie knots frequently to avoid unravelling. We’re sure getting a friend to help wrap you in up for the night will provide much entertainment. Add some fake blood or red face paint to the costume.
If you’re looking to up your Halloween game, then purchase some coloured contact lenses which gives any of these spooky costumes an added scare factor. Don’t forget we want to see what you’re all getting up to this Halloween, so make sure you share your scary Halloween costumes using #PrimeMoments for the chance to win £100.